Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1st tear

everytime i try my best to do something...
but it never had a good result.
everytime i try to be honest to somone or my love
but i fail to do it.
everytime i try reach the point i target...
but i never reach.
everytime i make my promise...
but i never keep my promise.
everytime i force myself to bcome a better person...
but it never work.

tonight i feel so lost, so hopless...
just had a feeling and know that
im so useless...

what should i do?
xthing u can do...
who can help me?
x one will help u...
which option should i choose?
u hv x any option to choose...
where can i go?
u can go to hell ...
how can i bcome stronger n better?
u can bcome xthing, still the weak and the worst one...

and the 2010 1st tear drops tonight

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